
Introduction to Firm Logistics And Cargo

Firm Logistics And Cargo provide a unique kind of comfort to all of their customers; no matter where you are in the world, they can arrange for your prized possessions to get wherever you need them to be. They know that when there’s a team of dedicated professionals eager to help you unravel some of the red tape at customs and border control, your chest relaxes and you can breathe a little easier. Whether you’re sending a car to your wife or husband or a new office suite to yourself in LA, they’re at the end of the phone, ready to help.

By Air

Some of us were born with patience the width and breadth of a fly’s wing. Asking us to wait is pure torture. The beauty of using international air freight anywhere else in the world is that you’ll only ever be waiting a few days. Whether it’s a stack of important documents, a forgotten birthday or anniversary gift that now needs sprinting to its destination, sending it by air is by far the fastest option.

With no lengthy periods of thumb twiddling for us to busy ourselves with, we’re free to spend our time doing  more constructive things, like research ways to increase our product’s profit margin…or binge-watch Netflix’s latest drama series.

By Sea

Some things however are well worth the wait. Like a full container load of products for your international relocation and shop opening in New York. It’s even easier to handle the waiting when you’re the one doing the international shipping. Packing up a barrel for your eagerly awaiting family members in the Caribbean is sure to give you the father Christmas warm and fuzzies any time of the year.

Slipping a little something in there for everyone is no longer easier said than done with our flat rate barrel shipping fee to the Caribbean. All you have to do is make sure your fingers are nice and nimble and you’ve mastered the art of efficient barrel packing.

International Car and Vehicle Shipping

We’ve discovered that nimble fingers come in handy when you’ve got a car to pack and ship abroad as well. Sure there’s plenty more room in a hatchback than there is in a barrel; that said, you don’t have head rests and foot-wells to contend with. You’ll need those nimble packing fingers to make sure everything inside the vehicle has not only been stacked and secured properly, but has been done so in a way that leaves them easy to be inspected by the port authorities.


There’s something about the UK’s blend of online and retail shops that can’t be beaten. From the offerings of supermarkets like Waitrose (Ocado), Tesco and not to mention Marks & Spencer’s food aisles to the always affordable High Street favourites like Next and Gap; there’s always something to whet the appetite. We can even help give your home a complete tech upgrade and make over with a few quick trips to Ikea, Curry’s, PC World as well as Bang and Olufsen.

If you need us to head over to Selfridges, Harrods, John Lewis or Westfied’s Luxury Village to pick up your must have make up, aftershaves and creams; your next favourite Burberry bag or pair of Prada loafers, Firm logistics And Cargo will happily put in all the (literal) leg work for you. You can send us your shopping list full of items from online and physical retail stores and we’ll go hunting and gathering your goods, packaging and then shipping them to you in one consignment once they’re done.

If you can find everything you need online however, and all you need is for us to receive all your goods and then ship them on to you in one comprehensive package, then it’s smiles all around, because we can do that too. Shopping for your creature comforts from abroad has never been this easy.

Shipping your goods, large or small with Firm Logistics And Cargo is but a few clicks away. Get in touch with one of our friendly agents; we’re eager to hear how we can help make your international shipping experience a crease-free one.